Sunday, October 18, 2009

humility and pride

Today is on humility.

Being humble, can be a hard thing to do sometimes.
That's when you try to be humble, others said that you are being a hypocrite.
But today is about Humility Vs. Pride.

"You can take pleasure in your good qualities or achievements and still be humble. But when you act in a prideful, boastful, or arrogant way, you're not being humble. So enjoy what you like about yourself and what you do well, but make sure you do it with gratitude and humility, and not with pride."

I think its easy for humans to be prideful of their own achievements, and when they get too much of such compliments, they tend to be too proud of themselves and look down on others, well... being boastful. As it says, its okay to take pride in your own achievements but being arrogant and boastful about it would lead to sinful pride.

In example of humility on Paul.
Paul, a faithful servant of God set us an example of humility.
Instead of boasting on what he has done for christ, his service for Christ and his own hertiage,
he boast only about how much Christ has done for him and nothing else.

He is someone that I would like to learn from. To humble myself and not to be arrogant for my own achievements. Remember that it is God that helped me in many different ways, in ways that I do not even know of.

well, this is end of the QT sharing.

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