Thursday, October 15, 2009


okay, sorry for not blogging for so long.
Just trying to get used to the new timetable and school life.
I guess I do not have much motivation in life and in school.

I don't see myself learning at all, its just like fulfilling my job, doing FMT, presentation just because I need to. Wondering why did I feel this way.
Did I got sick of school? I felt like I want to go high places and jump down, sort of bungee jump, I want to try Singapore's "similar" bungee jump.

Though its late right now, but I really thank all for the birthday wishes. Especially, my parents, for going out so late to buy swensens ice cream cake for me. And my MUM! for making me such a cute "pillow". It's cute and I'll upload the pictures next time.

I want to thank 90s too, who are a nice bunch of brothers and sisters. Thanking eunice for getting such nice bag, there's dog too. Love it.

Btw, I want to go cycling. Who cares to join me in this journey? :D
p.s.: can I really believe? :) I don't know, though I prayed, but should I continue or should I not? Maybe its a waste of time but I just don't know. Its frustrating. Is God asking to me to be patient? I hope so.

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