Monday, October 26, 2009


Sorry for not posting for about 6 days.

While i was reading some articles over the net,
I found one long article,

An abstract from the article,

It's true. And I'm willing to admit it. I quit spending time with God. It's not true to say I wanted to be with Him but was undisciplined, or that I desired God's presence but didn't know what to do. I knew what to do to have a quiet time; I even possessed a small measure of discipline. I just didn't want to do it. Arrogant? You bet. Dangerous? Perhaps. A surprise to my Creator? I doubt it.

(My words: I think this true and it somehow applies to how we treated QT, I think most Christians know what was quiet time and what to do to have a quiet time. Many times we say we are lazy, undisciplined. But how exactly true are we? I was someone like that before too, I just didn't want to do it, if I want, I would do, no matter how lazy or how undisciplined I am. In the end, it is also a matter of choice, whether we want to do it or not.)

"Now, when I come to God, I'm not bound by duty. I ask the Lord to give me a desire for His Word, for Himself, for truth. And I began preaching the gospel to myself each day. Now I remind myself to trust in the merit of Christ as my only hope for blessings (Romans 4:7,8). I dwell daily on the fact that, because of Christ's redeeming work on the Cross, God's holy wrath is no longer directed at me (Romans 8:1). And I trust in His promise to continue His good work in me (Philippians 1:6). Repeating these truths daily keeps me from tripping on the performance snare again. And they give me a grateful heart. I try what John Owen suggested: ". . . [to] look to Christ as the one who bears the iniquity of [my] holy things, who adds incense to [my] prayers, gathers out all the weeds from [my] duties and makes them acceptable."

That's all.
I sinned today. Sorry.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

thoughts 3

today I was really tired, so I won't be sharing on my QT.
I just give a question according to the QT
which is,
are usually pride leads to destruction and fall of man?

HAHHA, gotta sleep ! :D

thoughts day 2

today is a continuation of humility.
multiple blessings from God that I should be thankful for.

today i shall stop here because I am tired.
i'll write more on my thoughts tmr! :D

sorry people. today's been a long day for me.
real bad.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

humility and pride

Today is on humility.

Being humble, can be a hard thing to do sometimes.
That's when you try to be humble, others said that you are being a hypocrite.
But today is about Humility Vs. Pride.

"You can take pleasure in your good qualities or achievements and still be humble. But when you act in a prideful, boastful, or arrogant way, you're not being humble. So enjoy what you like about yourself and what you do well, but make sure you do it with gratitude and humility, and not with pride."

I think its easy for humans to be prideful of their own achievements, and when they get too much of such compliments, they tend to be too proud of themselves and look down on others, well... being boastful. As it says, its okay to take pride in your own achievements but being arrogant and boastful about it would lead to sinful pride.

In example of humility on Paul.
Paul, a faithful servant of God set us an example of humility.
Instead of boasting on what he has done for christ, his service for Christ and his own hertiage,
he boast only about how much Christ has done for him and nothing else.

He is someone that I would like to learn from. To humble myself and not to be arrogant for my own achievements. Remember that it is God that helped me in many different ways, in ways that I do not even know of.

well, this is end of the QT sharing.


my left wrist hurts again while playing piano.
sometimes, I am afraid that one day, I may not be able to play piano again.

Things happened so quickly nowadays,
Just reading through things,
and read something really stuck my mind.

God promises.
Sometimes, it seems hard to imagine how would God fulfill his promises,
It may take 1 year, 2 years or much more and in this process, you start to wonder
"did God forget me and the promises?", or you wonder, "is God testing my patience?"
many times, when it comes to waiting, it's really the hardest thing to do.
but by faith, continue to trust that God will really fulfill his promise because he does.
I know he would.

and I should start doing my QT, sometimes, I think I might be drifting away.
I need to get back on my feet.
so I would post my QT thoughts from today.

BTW~ pasir ris white sands has this yoghurt fruzen.
who wants to go and eat with me?

Thursday, October 15, 2009


okay, sorry for not blogging for so long.
Just trying to get used to the new timetable and school life.
I guess I do not have much motivation in life and in school.

I don't see myself learning at all, its just like fulfilling my job, doing FMT, presentation just because I need to. Wondering why did I feel this way.
Did I got sick of school? I felt like I want to go high places and jump down, sort of bungee jump, I want to try Singapore's "similar" bungee jump.

Though its late right now, but I really thank all for the birthday wishes. Especially, my parents, for going out so late to buy swensens ice cream cake for me. And my MUM! for making me such a cute "pillow". It's cute and I'll upload the pictures next time.

I want to thank 90s too, who are a nice bunch of brothers and sisters. Thanking eunice for getting such nice bag, there's dog too. Love it.

Btw, I want to go cycling. Who cares to join me in this journey? :D
p.s.: can I really believe? :) I don't know, though I prayed, but should I continue or should I not? Maybe its a waste of time but I just don't know. Its frustrating. Is God asking to me to be patient? I hope so.